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Saturday, January 15, 2011

SMG back on TV

You heard me right! Sarah Michelle Gellar - who has been concentrating on being a mother (power to her) - will be returning to TV with the thriller/drama, Ringer. reports that Buffy . . I mean Sarah's character is on the run from the mob in this one hour pilot, given the go-ahead by CBS earlier today.

In honour of our beloved Sarah's return to the TV screen, I remembered one of my favourite SMG moments outside of BtVS and managed to dig up these clips with Jack Black from the MTV Movie Awards 2002.
On a side-note, this first clip also features the late Brittany Murphy.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tom Lenk's Live Show Tour

We Buffy fans know Tom Lenk as Andrew - super villian turned Scooby wannabe - who, IMHO, brought the humour to an otherwise very dark Season 7 of BtVS.

On his official website, he has compiled the following reel of just a few moments from his extensive career. I had no idea he has been in so much stuff!

TL 2010 from Tom L. on Vimeo.

Tom has been touring his one-man show Tom Lenk Live! - currently in the UK.
Keep track at

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Buffy Season 8 motion comic DVD now available!

A must-have for serious BtVS fans, the Season 8 Motion Comic is now available on Blu-ray/DVD. Season 8 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer follows on from the end of the TV series, in comic form. The new DVD takes the Season 8 experience to the next level by animating the comic book artwork and adding sound.

I must admit, when reading the comics I imagined the characters' voices in my head as those of the original actors from TV - the motion comic is not voiced by the same actors and so I personally found this a little off-putting. Still, the DVD motion comic is certainly worth watching and adding to your collection.